Wednesday, 30 December 2009
Ready to sew
Despite feeling pretty average I really want to get these done, and I have managed to wash and dry the fabric (even though I was tempted to skip this step as the washing machine was working overtime anyway), cut out and make a few adjusments to the pattern, and cut the pieces out for one pair of pyjama pants and one top.
The pattern placement took some extra thought as I believed I had purchased just enough for pants from this particular piece of fabric, but with the addition of a centre back seam and altering the length of the pants from full length to 3/4 (as I wanted anyway) I managed to squeeze out a top as well.
I am hoping tomorrow I will feel up to sewing, but if not the next day ...
Tuesday, 29 December 2009
Fabric update
Unfortunately in my travels I discovered that the store I wanted to check out will be closed till after New Years. Oh well, not wanting to go home empty handed I decided to make a detour via the local Spotllight store, which was only a few streets away from where I was anyway.
Spotlight did not have many fabrics in but I settled on some lightweight cottons. The first one has a blue background with lemon, pale blue, pink and green outlined hearts on it, I purchased enough of this to make one pair of 3/4 pyjama pants and hopefully a pyjama top.

I am hoping to start sewing tomorrow but that depends on how well I feel. At least I am making some progress ...
Monday, 28 December 2009
A late WIAW
I fianlly decided I will join in but I will be a little late.
I have been searching for PJ's but cannot find what I want in the style, colour or size I want, so I have decided to use the WIAW to create 2 pr pj bottoms and 2 tops. It might not be what most people have in mind for a WIAW but it's what I need right now.
Despite best intentions I haven't made it to the fabric store yet, but I have found the pattern I want to use and decided on how much fabric I will need. I spent the day today catching up on housework so hopefully tomorrow I can venture out for a little retail therapy and get some fabric so the WIAW can begin.
Once I get these pieces done then I might still consider the Winter (Summer down under) 6 pack. I could do with some more summer tops and thin pants (probably linen or linen blend), so we will see ...
Happy Sewing.
Monday, 14 December 2009
Will I or won't I?
With the boys on summer school holidays there is so much to do and, with Christmas approaching at lightening speed and me still trying to tame the spring cleaning, there are simply not enough hours in the day to do everything I need to do, never mind the stuff I want to do. So why I am I wondering if I have time to get some sewing done amongst all the madness?
On the Sewing Guild there is always something happening and at the moment there are three tempting options to ponder. There is the Wardrobe in a Week (which is actually one week prep and one week sewing) to complete 4 garments, the Winter sew along (or Summer for those of us down under) with a 6 garment goal, or the more challenging SWAP (Sewing with a plan, 11 garments to be made). Any of these choices would add some much needed variation into my currently lacking wardrobe and each has it's pro's and cons, but I am not sure I can complete any of them.
I haven't had time to sort through my patterns or fabrics to see what I might like to make with what I have available, and for now I am still pondering, but I am leaning towards the WIAW. I have done this once before and know I can do it, so that might be my jumping off point and if I can manage it then it could morph it into the Summer Six Pack. I don't have any TNT's yet so I am pretty sure the SWAP is beyond me atm, but I'll get there.
Time will tell ...
Sunday, 22 November 2009
Where are the patterns?
I have been searching pattern websites for ladies board short, tankini and rashie patterns, to no avail. Surely somewhere out there they exist? After some time I discovered a mens board short pattern made by Jalie, but that's it. I am so disappointed, I was really hoping there would be half a dozen or more patterns to choose from but sadly there aren't.
So my question is this, if you want to make your own sun safe swim wear what patterns do you use? Do you adapt another pattern, have you drafted our own, or have you given up as it's all too hard? If you have sewn your own what fabrics have you used and where did you get them from? They seem to be almost as hard to find as the patterns.
Hopefully someone has been there done that and can point me in the right direction. Right now I am feeling rather down about the whole thing but the kids are hoping I find a solution fast as the school holidays are just a few short weeks away.
I await your words of wisdom ...
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
No sewing today
Monday was ds#2's birthday, yesterday was taken up with the car being taken to and collected from the mechanics and grocery shopping, this morning I had appointments to go to and just after lunch I am collecting eldest ds from school to drive up to my mothers to set up my nieces wii to work with the new wireless modem. I have a couple of layouts I need to do for the DT but they don't need to be done till Friday.
So if all goes to plan tomorrow will be a sewing day, once the mornings housework is out of the way. I have two tops that have been cut out waiting for me to put them together for weeks and they will be the first in line. Hopefully they will go together fast and then I can think about the next project. There's only a couple of weeks left to complete the Autumn (or in my case Spring) sew along but I doubt very much if I will get another 4 items completed in that time. You never know though, miracles can happen ....
What are you working on atm?
Monday, 9 November 2009

The 4th set is blue and white and matches clothes she has already received. I didn't take a photo of the other outfit as it was simply shorts and a little cropped top.
I am yet to give these a press so please forgive me, I wanted to get this post done before I stopped to make dinner :)
It was nice to make some girls clothes for a change, something I haven't done since my niece was little (she's now 12) .... I just hope the little girl will like them.
Once I catch up with the housework I might be able to get some sewing done for me, maybe!
Tuesday, 3 November 2009
Catch Up
My Autumn Sew Along collection is not going anywhere. I still have the black twist front top waiting to be sewn up and the white crushed knit top is at the same stage. I did cut out a pattern for a pair of Marcy Tilton pants but as these are a new pattern to me and I have not made pants in decades I need to fit these from scratch. I have put these items on hold for the moment though as I have another project I must finish first. I am not in a hurry for these things and whenever I finish them it'll be fine with me.
What am I doing instead of the Autumn Sew Along?
The people who live next door to my parents are off to Sri Lanka in less than two weeks and the family they know there are doing it tough (as a lot of people are). There is a little girl in the family (3 yo) and I thought it would be nice to make a set of clothes for her before they go. I have some lovely lightweight cottons in oranges, greens, pinks etc that should be perfect for their climate and I am aiming to use these to make her some pieces that will mix and match.

The first pattern is New Look 6883, I am hoping to make at least two pair of pants and two tops from this pattern. Then it's on to New Look 6504 possibly in a green gingham if it has enough body, if not it might be a lightweight drill in white or yellow. If there is any time left I hope to whip up a top and shorts from McCall's 9369. Should miracles happen a knit dress from New Look 6478.
I know anything at all will be appreciated as last time they visited they took clothes I made for my niece when she was 3 or 4 (she is now 12 and had long outgrown them) and she loved them, but I am hoping she will really like this wardrobe that is made just for her.
The only things standing in my way of getting done in time are the fact that my overlocker doesn't want to play nice so I am having to find alternatives (that are not as fast) for seam finishes, and I have been battling a virus since last week. Oh well, I'll do what I can and will hopefully have something to show by the end of next week.
Thanks for dropping by,
Friday, 25 September 2009
Slowly slowly

I have waited for this pattern for a while and I am eager to see how it makes up but I can't sew tonight.
The fabric is a black ribbed knit and it's hard to see what you're doing with black fabric at night, especially when there isn't much light in the dining room to start with (yes that's where I sew). I also have a scrapbook LO due for the Inspiration Team, which I must get done tonight.
Hopefully I will be able to get it sewn up in the morning, looking at the pattern it shouldn't take that long. I have not made this one before but made up a Khalia Ali knot front top a while back, but the method of construction on this one looks so much easier.
I have dropped the idea of a trench for now, it's already too warm and the idea of making one for it to sit in the wardrobe for the next 6 months does not appeal to me at all. So far the amended plan looks like this ...
1. Pants or skirt - no idea yet
2. Sleeveless Vest - Kwik Sew 3618 (maybe)
3. Layering Piece - totally undecided but possibly an overshirt or tunic
4. Shirt - McCalls 5664
5. Top - Simpicity 4076 - cut and ready to sew
6. Top - New Look 6891
I wonder how many times more I will change my mind before I get this done?
Tuesday, 8 September 2009

I don't need these straight away but I will wash them ready for when I do. After a bit of housework and I finish packing for ds#3's camp trip I might get around to getting the next project (whatever that may be) cut out and ready to go.
Happy sewing,
Saturday, 5 September 2009
Next Project?
After making 3 tops and a skirt in a week (even though they were very easy) I am eager to get stuck into some more sewing and have a go at something a little more complicated.
I have so many things I want to make but I don't know what I want to do first. There is a trench from Burda 1/2008 in poplin, a Kwik Sew vest in denim, a couple of blouses and tops, and goodness knows what else. I have accumulated a little stash of patterns and fabrics and I am looking forward to making a dent in them, the only trouble is finding enough time to get anything done between everything else I have to do.
I did manage to trace off the trench pattern and I have washed and dried the poplin ready to go, but the vest pattern is calling my name and I have also washed and dried the black denim for that. If I can't decide I might have to make both of them!
I wish there were more hours in the day ...
Wednesday, 2 September 2009
I managed to get two patterns I'd been wanting, Kwik Sew 3618 and Simplicity 3786, some thread and a few other notions I needed, and some poplin to make up the trench for the Autumn (Summer) Sew Along.
The Simplicity patterns were on sale for $7.50 each with another 10% off for being a VIP. I ddin't know they were on sale and only had two numbers with me but I might go back for a couple more I have my eyes on before the sale ends. I also discovered they have a special on McCalls, buy one get one to equal value for free, so I might look and see if there are any of those I want too.
Gotta love a bargain, and speaking of bargains ....
On the way out of Spotlight I saw a VIP special on floor rugs, and they just happened to have one the right size, colours and pattern to suit our loungeroom. I wasn't really looking for one, even though we've lived here 14 years and I always thought a rug would be nice, but when they were on special marked down from $129 to $49 I couldn't resist.
I think I better stay home tomorrow, going out the front door usually costs me money!
Tuesday, 1 September 2009
Autumn Sew Along
The aim is to complete a wardrobe capsule of co-ordinating pieces that will see you through the next season and add to what you already have. It's Spring here now but who knows what the weather will throw at us, especially after the last two weeks, but I think I will plan as though we are going to have a Spring and not jump straight into Summer.
With that in mind, I will be aiming for 6 pieces. I have only decided on two patterns so far and think I will make those first and decide on the other items as I go along.
1. Pants or skirt -
2. Sleeveless Vest - Kwik Sew 3618 (on shopping list)
3. Lightweight Trench Coat - Burda 1/2008 #129 (traced yesterday)
4. Shirt -
5. Top -
6. Blouse or Top -
I have been adding to my little fabric stash and I am pretty sure I have enough fabric to pull this off. I have black denim, white drill, yellow denim, white stretch shirting with black/grey stripes, black/white/yellow floral stretch cotton, black rib knit, black stretch cotton with pinstripe, and a few more pieces that will also co-ordinate. Hopefully I won't need much more than a few zippers and some buttons.
Of course this is subject to change as I am more than likely going to change my mind at least once, or twice, or ....
Monday, 31 August 2009
I made it!
Regardless of these hiccups and trying to manage a house and four kids, I still completed my 4 garments in a week. OK so these patterns were not in any way difficult, in fact these are probably the easiest patterns available, but I now have an additional skirt and three tops in my wardrobe.

Sunday, 16 August 2009
WIAW - prep week
Despite everything I have sewn up 3 test garments. One is OK (a skirt), although I am reworking the waist as we speak, but the other two (tops) were a little disappointing. I am not giving up on those two patterns, but I will leave the resolution of fit issues until I have more time, energy and patience.
I have one more test garment cut out and ready to sew, and was hoping to do that today but the lack of energy and feeling sick has got the better of me. I will persevere with unpicking this waistband and hopefully getting it redone before the day is out, and leave the last test garment to sew till tomorrow.
If worse comes to worse I will make up two skirts and two of the tops (presuming the fit is OK), but if not I might have to do a bit of a re-think. Oh well, we live and learn ...
Wednesday, 12 August 2009
They're here!
I made up my mind to forget the McCalls patterns for the WIAW and do trials of other existing (but so far unused) patterns using knit fabrics a friend gave to me recently when she was getting rid of her stash. I have traced and cut out patterns and fabrics and have them sitting in little piles with their patterns and instructions, all ready to sew.
The McCalls patterns arrived this morning and, although I really want to make them up in the fabrics I had chosen for the WIAW, I have decided to leave them alone for now and continue with making up the test garments already underway. The Sewing Guild has a SWAP (Sewing With A Plan) scheduled albeit tentatively for the end of the year, so maybe these patterns and fabrics can be shelved till then. I think they will make a great summer wardrobe.
The boys have all been sick this week but hopefully one or more of them might be well enough for school tomorrow. I just can't concentrate and get any sewing done with them all underfoot, especially when my sewing area is the dining table. Tomorrow I hope to get some matching threads at least so I can get underway when I have the chance.
Bye for now ...
Saturday, 8 August 2009
Still waiting
It is already Saturday the 8th and prep should be starting shortly but I haven't got patterns, never mind made any test garments. I really wish I had some TNT's about now!
I am not sure if I should ditch the initial plans and decide to use Vogues instead (which have now arrived). I am favouring the skirt, pants and top from V8435 with perhaps the jacket from V8605. These however are designed for stretch fabrics, but I don't think I have enough for co-ordinating pieces in my little stash, so that would mean another trip to the fabric store.
I am really undecided as to what to do. Do I search the stash for basic knits so I can start on a mock up of the Vogues in case the other patterns don't get here in time or do I take a risk and wait for the others to arrive?
What would you do?
Wednesday, 5 August 2009
New (soon to be) arrivals
Here are the Vogues ....

The Vogue patterns were only $6.99 each, opposed to anywhere from $20 to $30 here.
And here are the McCalls ...

The McCalls were only $2.99 and the normal retail for them here is between $17 to $20.
I would love for them to arrive soon but hey with the amount of money I saved I will be happy whenever they get here.
Progress, as little as it may be
I received a package today of fabrics I ordered online (black denim, white striped shirting, and black white and yellow patterned stretch cotton) and hopefully these will be the basis for my WIAW. I have also ordered some yellow denim, together with some white drill, and yellow patterned faille (not pictured), but I don't know if they will arrive in time either. If they don't it's a good excuse for another trip to the fabric store!
Monday, 29 June 2009
All out

Saturday, 27 June 2009
Tracing, Tracing, Tracing!

I am almost out of polytrace and yes I did get 10m just the other day but, like I said, I've been busy tracing. I am woried about going back for some more as Spotlight have 20% off on Monday and Tuesday and although that would save me a few dollars on the tracing interfacing, it would probably lead to more fabric purchases!
I wonder if I can resist temptation?
Wednesday, 24 June 2009
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
Patterns everywhere
I have scanned the instructions for the patterns I want and the line drawings as well so I have an idea what the end product should look like. All that's left to do now is the rest of the tracing. I have reduced the list to 10 patterns but I don't think I will have enough polytrace to do them all, so it looks like a trip to Spotlight is in order. It will be hard not to divert my attention to the fabrics while I'm there but I will try!

What fabric would you use for a winter jacket?
Reading Material

I was pleased to see them all in hanging packets, the patterns already removed from the magazines and placed in the packets behind the magazines. They are all in good condition too, which was a nice surprise.

I need some basics for my stash, some gabs and knits for skirts and pants, and some jersey type fabrics for tops, but apart from that I think I will just go with the flow and get what appeals when I see it. I think it's probably best to buy fabrics with a particular pattern or project in mind but hey I'm not against grabbing a special when I see it.
I have joined the Lincraft Club and am already a Spotlight member, and although I don't expect to find any truly great fabrics through either of those stores they do have some good specials on fabrics every now and then, as well as notions and patterns, so that will come in handy.
I think I better get some housework done so I can start tracing these patterns. There is a jacket in one of the magazines that I would like to make soon, it's winter here and I am over sweatshirts and jeans, well not completely but I would like a nice jacket :)
Until next time ...
Saturday, 20 June 2009
I have uncovered a forgotten stash of fabrics that were residing in various boxes in the garage. Of course it will not be enough and I must start adding to it as soon as possible! I have looked through the Kinitwit patterns I found the other day and, although some are way out of date, the straight skirt patterns and basic t-shirts will be useful.

I have also discovered that the library has a collection of Burda magazines and plenty of other sewing publications, all of which can be reserved & collected once they're in. I did buy issue 3/2009 this week but knowing they are available from the library is brilliant and will save me heaps of money, which of course can be put towards more fabric.
Now if there were only a few more hours in the day we'd really be getting somewhere!
Thursday, 18 June 2009
New Collections

I have recently discovered that I kept my Knitwit patterns and sewing books, and a few other patterns that can be run up with little fuss.
Over the past month or so I have been adding to this very meager collection a few patterns at a time. I discovered I can order Simplicity & New Look patterns online at a fraction of the cost they are in the local Spotlight store and have them delivered straight to the letterbox, which is so much easier than trying to choose patterns in the store with a toddler in tow.
I have purchased a few summer tops patterns and a skirt/pants pattern, and I have my eye on a few more. I am sure there are many more patterns I can find online too but these are OK for now, quick and easy. I also picked up the latest copy of Burda magazine that is in store here, issue 3/09, and there are a few patterns in there that I would like to make up too.

I have also started re-creating the fabric stash. I purchased some fabrics suitable for summer tops last month and I stumbled across a 2.5m piece of a lovely cream fabric in an Op Shop this week, so that was added to the stash too. The cream fabric is already washed and dried and ready to be made into something, but the other fabrics haven't been touched yet.
The next step is to go through the clothes I have and discover what is missing from my wardrobe and what I could do with more of. I don't have much spare time so I have to use it wisely and choose my projects carefully.
Back later ...
I decided to create this blog dedicated to my sewing adventures so anyone interested in this part of my life would not have to wade through the other day to day and scrapbooking stuff on my other blog.
It's been many years since I did any serious sewing, I have been dabbling in making bags and craft items for the past 5 years or so, but right now I have the itch to stitch. I don't know how much time I will find for my sewing endeavours but I'm going to give it a try.
I'll be back when I have something worth sharing,