While I was toying with the idea of joining in the swap, even made a preliminary plan, I just don't have the time to do it. The kids are on summer holidays, the house needs decluttering (that is a constant battle) and redecorating, we are fostering a husky (so now we have two) and before too long I will be back to studying for my degree.
There are just not enough hours in the day to do everything. So, while not doing a swap, I have decided there are some sewing related goals I need to set for the coming year. I have lost a little weight with hopefully more to follow and I don't have any TNT's that fit.
My needs are simple as I am a sahm/student with four boys who spends all her time in casual clothing. I have no issue buying crop pants and jeans that fit, thank goodness as I live in them, but tops are another issue. Being a D cup means most tank tops and t-shirts pull and point to where you least want extra attention.
In light of that, this year will be about getting back to the basics and developing some new TNT patterns. I don't need anything fancy just the basics will do fine - a tank or camisole, a shell top, t-shirt, button up shirt and perhaps a lightweight jacket. It might not seem like a big goal to many but for me (in light of time constraints) will be a challenge.
Have you set any sewing related goals this year? If so please share ...
Monday, 31 December 2012
Sunday, 11 November 2012
A plan to sew with ...
It is windy and a bit wet outside so I have been playing around with Picasa to see what it can do. I had some Style Arc images saved on my PC so I used those and came up with this ...
This collage represents two capsules I am considering sewing for summer - Lounging and Lunching. I do not have any Style Arc patterns (as yet) so these images are just a representation the type of garments I would like to sew.
Capsule 1 - Lounging - two knit bottoms and two or three knit tops for regular around the house wear.
Capsule 2 - Lunching - two woven bottoms and two or three woven/knit tops for running errands and doing the school runs.
I would like to have added another blouse or top as a bridging piece between the two capsules but Picasa didn't like that so that is not there.
Will I go ahead with this plan or will I change my mind?
Who knows ...
Sunday, 4 November 2012
SWAP 2012/13
Over at The Stitchers Guild Forum the rules for the 2012/2013 Swap (sewing with a plan) competition have been announced.
In light of the devastation tropical storm Sandy caused to the east coast of the USA the requirements for this year have been somewhat simplified. There are no special techniques required, there is no need to use a particular skill or a particular pattern. It is ok to do what you like as long as it fits into these basic guidelines ...
"Each collection is either 3 tops and two bottoms, or 2 tops, 1 bottom, and 1 dress, which all form a cohesive group. The 11th garment should be a jacket or other piece that coordinates with both collections, both in style and colour."
I am almost considering having a crack at it, not for the competition side as I know I don't have a chance against such accomplished sewists, but for the simple idea of completing two basic clothing capsules that will extend my wearable wardrobe.
Time is always at a premium and my machines and all my sewing paraphenalia are currently packed away so I don't know if I will actually get this done, but the planning could be fun. Either way I know I will enjoy following along to see what everyone else is doing and how their plans unfold ...
Thursday, 1 November 2012
I'm a winner!
OK so it is only a book but I love books and when this arrived in the mail today it was a lovely surprise. I had actually forgotten about the competition, I do tend to enter a lot online, and had no idea I had won something.
As we do not have pay tv I have never seen any of his shows but I do know he is very well known and respected and I can't wait to devour all the information he has to share.
I am in no way a fashionista but I do like reading about fashion, it's history and where it is going in the future and I am sure this will be a good read ... time to make a cuppa and put my feet up!
I have been trying to get into the sewing forum http://artisanssquare.com/sg/index.php since yesterday but so far no luck.
I don't know if it is offline or if it is just me having troubles but either way it is not good. I am worried about the girls that live in the hardest hit areas of the USA with the storm and I am eager to hear if they are ok?
I hope it is back online soon ...
I don't know if it is offline or if it is just me having troubles but either way it is not good. I am worried about the girls that live in the hardest hit areas of the USA with the storm and I am eager to hear if they are ok?
I hope it is back online soon ...
Friday, 26 October 2012
New Vogues
The new seasons Vogue patterns have gone online and, although the majority do not interest me, there were three that immediately caught my eye.
Love the look of V8854 for a lightweight sweater for Autumn/Winter. I am not so fussed on the longer piece at the back but that is easily fixed. We don't really need heavy knits here and this looks like a comfortable piece to wear with jeans.
V8863 Is an interesting jacket, not sure if I would ever make it but it is interesting just the same.
This skirt and top by Sandra Betzina V1333 really interests me. The pattern is really simple but it has a great look. This might be on my 'to make for summer' list if I can find the right fabric.
I am sure other people will gravitate towards other patterns but these are my faves. What are yours?
Edit: I just discovered that Vogue patterns are on sale at the moment at sewingpatterns.com and they were a bit hard to resist :)
Love the look of V8854 for a lightweight sweater for Autumn/Winter. I am not so fussed on the longer piece at the back but that is easily fixed. We don't really need heavy knits here and this looks like a comfortable piece to wear with jeans.
V8863 Is an interesting jacket, not sure if I would ever make it but it is interesting just the same.
This skirt and top by Sandra Betzina V1333 really interests me. The pattern is really simple but it has a great look. This might be on my 'to make for summer' list if I can find the right fabric.
I am sure other people will gravitate towards other patterns but these are my faves. What are yours?
Edit: I just discovered that Vogue patterns are on sale at the moment at sewingpatterns.com and they were a bit hard to resist :)
Tuesday, 23 October 2012
Life Update and Jean-ious 2
OK it is a while since I posted here, apologies and a quick update on life in this neck of the woods ...
Around the house:
De-cluttering is in progress (as always) ...
I am in week 8 of the 12wbt weigh-loss/fitness programme and it is going well, although I see this as a lifestyle change and not a quick fix ...
After successfully completing my TPP in Semester 1 this year (GPA 7 from two HD's) I am on a break from study but have enrolled for Semester 1 2013 to start my BA with an interdisciplinary major in Popular Culture. Phew that is a mouthful ...
The kids:
E is about to start swimming lessons this week at school ...
J is upset that the government pulled the pin on the Emergency Scouts programme and with their final session and goodbye party last week is feeling a little lost ...
R is getting excited about his upcoming trip to Japan with school in a few weeks ...
D is doing well at Uni and has received two credits so far for work submitted this semester ...
We lost my father on 30th June 2012. He had not been well for a long time and went into hospital two weeks before he passed and was moved to a palliative care facility. IT saddens me to say that he took his final breath in my arms. While I was glad I was there for him and he was not alone I was very sad that Mum did not get there in time. The funeral was hard but it was wonderful that people came from far and wide to remember him and say goodbye. I had been doing OK but it would have been Dads birthday last Friday (19th October) and it brought home just how much I am missing him each and every day. I can't imagine how Mum is coping, they were together since they were kids!
On a brighter note, the boys brother (their fathers son from his first marriage) was in Qld with his partner and their child last week. It was only a flying visit but we managed to meet up and spend the day together in Brisbane. I had not seen him for almost 12 years, he had not met his youngest brother and we had not met his partner or child. It was great seeing them but I wish we had more time together. It is hard when they live in Victoria and we live in Queensland, but hopefully we can see them again soon.
Well this has been non existent for a few reasons. I have been preoccupied with other things, the sewing machines are packed away for the time being while I declutter and re-arrange the house, I have been busy with study, I have not had the will to sew and I don't really want to sew while I am still losing weight.
However, as I had enrolled in the Kenneth King Jean-ious class on line I decided to see what it was like. I watched all the lessons and printed off the class materials and have to say the way he presents a class and explains things is great, so easy. I don't actually have a pair of jeans I want to copy right now (as those that did fit like a glove are now too big) so it might be a while before I put what I have learned into practise but I thoroughly enjoyed the classes!
Around the house:
De-cluttering is in progress (as always) ...
I am in week 8 of the 12wbt weigh-loss/fitness programme and it is going well, although I see this as a lifestyle change and not a quick fix ...
After successfully completing my TPP in Semester 1 this year (GPA 7 from two HD's) I am on a break from study but have enrolled for Semester 1 2013 to start my BA with an interdisciplinary major in Popular Culture. Phew that is a mouthful ...
The kids:
E is about to start swimming lessons this week at school ...
J is upset that the government pulled the pin on the Emergency Scouts programme and with their final session and goodbye party last week is feeling a little lost ...
R is getting excited about his upcoming trip to Japan with school in a few weeks ...
D is doing well at Uni and has received two credits so far for work submitted this semester ...
We lost my father on 30th June 2012. He had not been well for a long time and went into hospital two weeks before he passed and was moved to a palliative care facility. IT saddens me to say that he took his final breath in my arms. While I was glad I was there for him and he was not alone I was very sad that Mum did not get there in time. The funeral was hard but it was wonderful that people came from far and wide to remember him and say goodbye. I had been doing OK but it would have been Dads birthday last Friday (19th October) and it brought home just how much I am missing him each and every day. I can't imagine how Mum is coping, they were together since they were kids!
On a brighter note, the boys brother (their fathers son from his first marriage) was in Qld with his partner and their child last week. It was only a flying visit but we managed to meet up and spend the day together in Brisbane. I had not seen him for almost 12 years, he had not met his youngest brother and we had not met his partner or child. It was great seeing them but I wish we had more time together. It is hard when they live in Victoria and we live in Queensland, but hopefully we can see them again soon.
Well this has been non existent for a few reasons. I have been preoccupied with other things, the sewing machines are packed away for the time being while I declutter and re-arrange the house, I have been busy with study, I have not had the will to sew and I don't really want to sew while I am still losing weight.
However, as I had enrolled in the Kenneth King Jean-ious class on line I decided to see what it was like. I watched all the lessons and printed off the class materials and have to say the way he presents a class and explains things is great, so easy. I don't actually have a pair of jeans I want to copy right now (as those that did fit like a glove are now too big) so it might be a while before I put what I have learned into practise but I thoroughly enjoyed the classes!
Sunday, 12 August 2012
Has anyone done this class by Kenneth King?
I have a pair of jeans that fit like a glove and I would love to be able to re-create them in other fabric, colours etc. so I thought this would be a good idea.
Has anyone tried it?
I know Kenneth King is a genious (lol) so I have high hopes. Not sure when I will have time to actually do it, but oh well ...
I have a pair of jeans that fit like a glove and I would love to be able to re-create them in other fabric, colours etc. so I thought this would be a good idea.
Has anyone tried it?
I know Kenneth King is a genious (lol) so I have high hopes. Not sure when I will have time to actually do it, but oh well ...
Saturday, 11 August 2012
Big fat zero
That is the amount of sewing I have managed this year, none!
I have had a lot to deal with this year. Kids with health issues, my father passing away, helping Mum best I can, trying to declutter our home and redecorate the house, RA in my knees and some unknown issue that is causing me pain in my arm and now embarking on a 12 week fitness plan. Sewing has had to take a back seat. The most I have done sewing wise is reconnect with the sewing discussions @ stitchers guild and buy a few new patterns.
I discovered Kayla Kenningtons patterns only recently and decided to buy two of them (the perennial pants and the crossover top) to see what I think. It is winter here at the moment and I am hoping to at least try out the pants pattern before Summer. I think it would be a useful addition to my wardrobe.

I have had a lot to deal with this year. Kids with health issues, my father passing away, helping Mum best I can, trying to declutter our home and redecorate the house, RA in my knees and some unknown issue that is causing me pain in my arm and now embarking on a 12 week fitness plan. Sewing has had to take a back seat. The most I have done sewing wise is reconnect with the sewing discussions @ stitchers guild and buy a few new patterns.
I discovered Kayla Kenningtons patterns only recently and decided to buy two of them (the perennial pants and the crossover top) to see what I think. It is winter here at the moment and I am hoping to at least try out the pants pattern before Summer. I think it would be a useful addition to my wardrobe.

Saturday, 14 January 2012
Library additions
It is not like I have heaps of sewing or fashion books, no really I don't, and it is not as though I don't have time to read them. Oh well anyway, I bought two more books today. I decided to buy from http://www.bookdepository.com and before you say but that is in England and you are in Australia, yes you are right. I have bought from them a few times now and find the delivery is swift, the postage is free and the prices are better than I can get here (even in department stores).
So what did I buy?

There are a few more sitting in my wish list but these will do for now.
Q before I go. What are your favourite/must have sewing of fashion books? There is always room for one (or two) more ....
So what did I buy?

There are a few more sitting in my wish list but these will do for now.
Q before I go. What are your favourite/must have sewing of fashion books? There is always room for one (or two) more ....
Wednesday, 4 January 2012
Oh dear!
Where does the time go? I can't believe I have neglected both my blog and my sewing for so long. It has been a challenging year but that's life..
I want to get back into a little sewing but know that time is at a premium and I know that if I try to make anything too complicated I am simply setting myself up for failure even before I begin. So what is the answer? A simple goal of one top a month. I think this is an achieveable goal.
I have no idea what patterns I am going to use or what fabrics the tops will be in, I am somewhat out of touch with what there is out there atm, but that will come. I have very little time to ponder this till the kids go back to school so it might end up being 12 tops over 11 months but that is ok.
For now I am checking out the latest patterns and those I have stashed away to see what I am going to make but whatever it will be I can guarantee it will be something simple!
I want to get back into a little sewing but know that time is at a premium and I know that if I try to make anything too complicated I am simply setting myself up for failure even before I begin. So what is the answer? A simple goal of one top a month. I think this is an achieveable goal.
I have no idea what patterns I am going to use or what fabrics the tops will be in, I am somewhat out of touch with what there is out there atm, but that will come. I have very little time to ponder this till the kids go back to school so it might end up being 12 tops over 11 months but that is ok.
For now I am checking out the latest patterns and those I have stashed away to see what I am going to make but whatever it will be I can guarantee it will be something simple!
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