Sunday, 22 November 2009
Where are the patterns?
I have been searching pattern websites for ladies board short, tankini and rashie patterns, to no avail. Surely somewhere out there they exist? After some time I discovered a mens board short pattern made by Jalie, but that's it. I am so disappointed, I was really hoping there would be half a dozen or more patterns to choose from but sadly there aren't.
So my question is this, if you want to make your own sun safe swim wear what patterns do you use? Do you adapt another pattern, have you drafted our own, or have you given up as it's all too hard? If you have sewn your own what fabrics have you used and where did you get them from? They seem to be almost as hard to find as the patterns.
Hopefully someone has been there done that and can point me in the right direction. Right now I am feeling rather down about the whole thing but the kids are hoping I find a solution fast as the school holidays are just a few short weeks away.
I await your words of wisdom ...
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
No sewing today
Monday was ds#2's birthday, yesterday was taken up with the car being taken to and collected from the mechanics and grocery shopping, this morning I had appointments to go to and just after lunch I am collecting eldest ds from school to drive up to my mothers to set up my nieces wii to work with the new wireless modem. I have a couple of layouts I need to do for the DT but they don't need to be done till Friday.
So if all goes to plan tomorrow will be a sewing day, once the mornings housework is out of the way. I have two tops that have been cut out waiting for me to put them together for weeks and they will be the first in line. Hopefully they will go together fast and then I can think about the next project. There's only a couple of weeks left to complete the Autumn (or in my case Spring) sew along but I doubt very much if I will get another 4 items completed in that time. You never know though, miracles can happen ....
What are you working on atm?
Monday, 9 November 2009

The 4th set is blue and white and matches clothes she has already received. I didn't take a photo of the other outfit as it was simply shorts and a little cropped top.
I am yet to give these a press so please forgive me, I wanted to get this post done before I stopped to make dinner :)
It was nice to make some girls clothes for a change, something I haven't done since my niece was little (she's now 12) .... I just hope the little girl will like them.
Once I catch up with the housework I might be able to get some sewing done for me, maybe!
Tuesday, 3 November 2009
Catch Up
My Autumn Sew Along collection is not going anywhere. I still have the black twist front top waiting to be sewn up and the white crushed knit top is at the same stage. I did cut out a pattern for a pair of Marcy Tilton pants but as these are a new pattern to me and I have not made pants in decades I need to fit these from scratch. I have put these items on hold for the moment though as I have another project I must finish first. I am not in a hurry for these things and whenever I finish them it'll be fine with me.
What am I doing instead of the Autumn Sew Along?
The people who live next door to my parents are off to Sri Lanka in less than two weeks and the family they know there are doing it tough (as a lot of people are). There is a little girl in the family (3 yo) and I thought it would be nice to make a set of clothes for her before they go. I have some lovely lightweight cottons in oranges, greens, pinks etc that should be perfect for their climate and I am aiming to use these to make her some pieces that will mix and match.

The first pattern is New Look 6883, I am hoping to make at least two pair of pants and two tops from this pattern. Then it's on to New Look 6504 possibly in a green gingham if it has enough body, if not it might be a lightweight drill in white or yellow. If there is any time left I hope to whip up a top and shorts from McCall's 9369. Should miracles happen a knit dress from New Look 6478.
I know anything at all will be appreciated as last time they visited they took clothes I made for my niece when she was 3 or 4 (she is now 12 and had long outgrown them) and she loved them, but I am hoping she will really like this wardrobe that is made just for her.
The only things standing in my way of getting done in time are the fact that my overlocker doesn't want to play nice so I am having to find alternatives (that are not as fast) for seam finishes, and I have been battling a virus since last week. Oh well, I'll do what I can and will hopefully have something to show by the end of next week.
Thanks for dropping by,