I was not feeling great today and most of the day was spent trying to get over the dizziness and nausea that the combination of pain and medication can create.
Nothing much was achieved but by late afternoon I felt well enough to check in to Stitchers' Guild and read a few posts. One of the posts I read referred to Style Arc patterns, which can be found here
http://www.stylearc.com.au, there were numerous comments with pictures of creations made by fellow forum members which prompted me to finally bite the bullet and finally purchase a pattern or two.

Style Arc had not only their usual monthly offer of free pattern with purchase but they also had an offer of buy two new patterns and receive a third one free (as per the pic to the left), so in effect four patterns for the price of two. This offer should have ended yesterday but as they were having technical difficulties with their page they opted to extend it a day or two, for which I am very grateful. Their new free pattern offer should be up in a day or two so no doubt I will be tempted once again, but for now I am anticipating the arrival of Rosie, Lolita, Sunny & Maggi in the near future.