Saturday, 19 July 2014

I know this is primarily a sewing blog but ...

Sewing ties into fashion and fashion ties into wardrobe.

Thinking about what clothes are in my wardrobe has been high on the agenda in past weeks, thanks to the Starting From Scratch Series, and that has lead me to think about what my garments are hanging on. While I have attempted in the past to get organisation in this area under control it is still somewhat lacking. Yes all my hangers match and while they look good together they are not ideal. They are simple black plastic that tend to let items slip off and clothes end up either hanging by a thread or they fall down onto the 'floor-drobe' if you know what I mean.

I have shelving down either side of the wardrobe, which is great for t-shirts, jumpers etc. but little man shares a room with his brother so his clothes are stored in my room (which means 1/2 the shelf space is taken up with his clothes). In the middle of the wardrobe there is one hanging rail and while it is great if you wear dresses (which I don't) I feel it would be better utilised with a double hanging rail allowing more room for the shirts, blouses, jackets, pants and jeans that make up the better part of my wardrobe.

EDIT: I have just measured the space between the top shelf and the floor and discovered there is not enough height to add a second rail so another answer will have to be found. Not sure what that answer will be but in the meantime I think I need to get something like this to take care of the hanger issues ...

Oh what a joy it would be to slide open the wardrobe doors and find a totally organised and co-ordinated wardrobe.

One day ...

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

A couple more pieces ...

After the non-white shirt was returned to the store I went back to looking for a replacement.

The difficulty experienced finding a plain white shirt really surprised me, I expected a wardrobe staple such as this to be readily available but it wasn't. I had already exhausted all the retail options locally so I began the search online and discovered one I think will do for now. I am keeping my fingers crossed that this one is actually white and not cream like the last one. Perfecting the fit of a shirt pattern is now high on my list of to do's but right now I don't have the time for sewing so buying is the only option.

Here is the updated plan ...

I have also purchased a casual knit blazer that I have had my eye on for a while. It is in my second contrast colour and not only had it come back in stock after being unavailable for weeks but it was on sale. It could be a challenge finding a patterned top to go with it but hopefully the white shirt will be a good option in the meantime.

Friday, 11 July 2014

So far it looks like this

With the two handbags added the wardrobe so far looks something like this ...
Gone are the plain white shirt and top as when they arrived they were not white at all but were cream and as cream was not what I was after back to the store they go and they will be replaced as soon as I can find them in white. Also gone are the wide leg pants that were just not the right shape or fit for me, they have been replaced by some straight leg black pants already in the wardrobe.

The things I need most at the moment are a jumper or two so that is what I will be adding next. Once that is done it is back to the plan to see what I need and of that see what I can sew, although sewing time will be minimal after next week as uni starts back for the second semester and I won't get a decent break again till the end of November.

Thursday, 10 July 2014

Vivienne's Starting From Scratch

For anyone not following along 'Vivienne' has been busy posting about how to create a wardrobe from scratch. You can see her blog here ..., While it is impossible to create the 'ideal' wardrobe for everyone, this plan gives you good bones to start with. Some of the pieces are a little too formal for my lifestyle and others I don't need or wear but it is easy to swap out the suggested pieces for items that do suit and the same goes for colour, style etc.

Clothes are not something I buy very often, especially for myself, and being a full time mum (doing school runs, shopping and housework) as well as a part time uni student my clothing needs are simple. That said I do like to feel presentable and think it is important to feel comfortable and appropriately dressed for the occasion and for your age as well.

I took the opportunity to buy a few pieces on sale online this week through a local department store and managed to buy these pieces for just over $115 Aud. Not included in the price are the shoes and necklace (which I already have) and the handbag which I have not yet bought. The jacket was a steal @ $24 and the other pieces were even less. I do love a sale!

This is what I have so far, black as my first neutral with the obligatory white shirts and blue as my first contrast. They are in no way investment pieces, they are things that I expect I will get a few seasons from and are an inexpensive way of finding out how well this type of plan/wardrobe works for me.

This is a good start for a wardrobe plan and with the addition of another contrast colour or two later on it will offer many combinations and possibilities. I am yet  to 'shop my wardrobe' and while I know it needs a good sort and toss I am sure there will be more things that will go with these as well. At this point I have not followed the plan step by step but have purchased a few items that will fit within the steps once I am done.

I also hope to add a necklace, bracelet, earrings and possibly a bag or two so I will be keeping my eyes open for another sale. So far I am undecided as to whether I will add a scarf or not, they are not something I usually wear but I am keeping an open mind.

This is the first time I have planned purchases in this way and expect it will be the way I shop for clothes for years to come ...

EDIT: I have just added two bags I purchased online this morning at 70% off retail. I wasn't really intending to get them now but I would have been silly not to.